tapi aku rasa happy giler...bab aku dapat ngayau bhahaa...
jom jom dengar lagu ni...
lagu ni dia suruh dengar...best nama dia syamil...
dy best ..
best ever ! dari mando diao-gloria
Well now, she don't need to see | the sunahead|don't need that help from god above|If you're losing her don't be sad| cause she will offer you heart attacks|She's tired of problems that you causedher mind|Tired of all those lies in your freak show|Tired of being alone at night| being the lowest cat on earth| So Gloria | steps out from the prison|Gloria's| no longer the wasted disco girl| you've been dreaming about| Gloria | alone now forever | Gloria away inthe air now|Gloria | she's no longer your slave| It's time for you | to see yourself| all the misery you brought up|Gloria's | one day aheadwatching you from the heaven's gate|She's tired of problems that you causedher mind|Tired of all those lies in your freak show| Tired of being alone at night| being the lowest cat on earth| So Gloria | steps out of the prison|Gloria's | no longer the wasted disco girl| you've been dreaming about| Gloria | alone now forever | Gloria | away inthe air now|Gloria | she's no longer your slave| Gloria |
Name: shahana
Residing in: seremban
School: entire seremban ecehhhwahh haha
Birthday: 28/9 & 5/11 haha suka hati aku ja!
Status: single?im sing...ohh no! im not!totally not!
for him: im trust you!
shahana just leave your link, i'll visit yours. im not a perfect person, but im who i'm, saya tak suka membaca tapi suka mengira, susah nao nak baca nak faham nak mengingat lagi leceh. malas nak fikir, otak tepu, pemalas ya rabbi. apa nak jadi tak tahu lah, suruh belajar memain, huhahuha tak habis-habis.sengonok suka kena denda!! ~tarik nafas jap~
Hei Heii hamboii! tu citer tahun dulu-dulu bebudak alahai alolo haii! umo dah angka 2 kat depan, kena baca gak walau taknak baca pun, tahun 2013 i need to strunggle-leling nak cool kan pointer again. one sem to let go & one sem to go. bezakan? :))
about my site
althanote.blogspot.com has been my official personal blogging site since february 2011. I normally don't change my URL names so easy for me to remember and easy to you to find. why im here? because you haha bukan lah ~eh tuka bahasa plak asyik guna om puteh je lalala~ sebab saya nak sharing-sharing, saya suka bercerita, ~hahaha mesti sape yang kenal den goli dengar haha~
Short Simple blog's name. "altha" stands for one character in KCB that is "Anna Althafunnisa", why I choose? because she's humble & intelligent person, I love to be like her, but I just can be the real me. So "note" is what you have read here is tottally sicerely from my own fingers and this place is my social diary or online diary or so whatever. please feel free & bruise your eye and read!haha ok.
ok blog ni dimanja-manjakan dengan skin blog dari website blogskin.com, widget-widget pula dari entire Mr.Google, selalunya saya tukar blogskin ambil masa one day, eh tak de lar sampai 24hours, lebih kurang la. yang memerlukan ketangkasan dan kecekapan dan kesabaran hati gue bila nak tukar code-code dalam dia, ha ngoti baca code jadi la dia tak ngoti baca code jadah jadi nye haha tak ngitu jemah! :D
Visit Pulau sambung belajar Paintball Pergi racing!teringin woo Get new handphone (S2) Tengok Breaking Dawn part1 Memanah Tengok Breaking Dawn part2
Sled! New laptop haha Get my pilot license haha Cincin yg bella/edward pakai.nak! Wedding dress yg bella pakai Own a kitty Get braces on haha perlu ke? Get Photoshop CS5 (or 4)
Own a DSLR or CyberShot Have my own bathroom kereta swift Get Honda CRV fuhh Game war Go to Paris or London ♥ Own a Tablet! Watch the Zookeeper haha
Thank you for dropping by.Hello! I'm shahana. A folk Malay girl that still learning to be an excellent human sampai ke Tua kerepot. Likes blogging,bernyanyi sumbeng diam diam, berangan and errr facebooking?? very much.kita tak sign up facebook la hihi just here & twider saja.
" There's Only One (SA) that I miss love & fight with "
" The sound come from Inside " Guitar to Ukulele, ukulele was a given from my Mr. Pulse that had been with me for a several years that is about 4 to 5 years. This is one of my valuable gift that I love & I miss the bracelet more.