Secret Inside Between Two Hearts

Sanah helwah ya akhi :) / 0 comments (+)
Hobin jang hobin haha tetibe! it all about my boo not little boo or another little boo..it my boo!
sebelum jari jari berexercise pantas kilat..otak berfikir laju jiwang haha senyum dulu sebelum baca yang lain.

Happy birthday!selamat harijadi! 生日快乐! Sanah helwah ya akhi sakinah,mawaddah,barakah,warahmah..!!(TC)

selamat hari jadi yg ke-21thn(share umur ye :p) semoga panjang umur,dimurahkan rezeki terus terus dalam keberkatan Allah, dikuatkan iman dan kesihatan & ditabahkan hati untuk semuanya. Jangan sedih-sedih, kuatkan hati (Y) ingat--"dua perkara yang tak perlu kita ingat: i) kebaikan yang kita buat kpd org lain ii)kesalahan orang lain kpd kita" .  Ibu tahu kalau anak-anak dia sedih, hati sendiri takde sape tahu tp instinct ibu kan kuat :') enjoy your day dearTC every day every minute every second be strong be happy. ily

nahhh!! your fav cake haha

sorry setiap kali  your birthday im not by your side, tapi one day could be :')

-Barokalloh Fiik-

-next chapter-
yeahh yeahh yeahh haha bout the oneyear life together i'm speechless. 
we fight text talk laugh argue smile that just us.
fight sampai tangan merah-merah
text sampai nak berak still sempat nak text or driving@riding still nk reply
talk until dah takboleh nak cakap sebab kredit habis or tertido then tak letak fon until kredit sampai kering kontang haha
laugh..if bg peluang gelak, suke buat gelak jahat haha 
argue? takde pe just suka main pusing-pusing ayat then pening kpale
smile hehe i hope he will always smiling despite facing the sadness and facing me! hehehe
the end.thank you.ily
(to be continue in my fon's diary :D)


Thank you for dropping by.Hello! I'm shahana. A folk Malay girl that still learning to be an excellent human sampai ke Tua kerepot. Likes blogging,bernyanyi sumbeng diam diam, berangan and errr facebooking?? very much.kita tak sign up facebook la hihi just here & twider saja. " There's Only One (SA) that I miss love & fight with "
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" The sound come from Inside " Guitar to Ukulele, ukulele was a given from my Mr. Pulse that had been with me for a several years that is about 4 to 5 years. This is one of my valuable gift that I love & I miss the bracelet more.
