Secret Inside Between Two Hearts

de la novela fantasma / 0 comments (+)
"de la novela fantasma" spanish wihuuuu si hantu novel harhar.
errrr geramnya rasa! *eh ingat takde perasaan geram, marah sedih bagai ke bila tengok novel dah sold out? huh terkilan tau, beriya-iya semangat nak pi beli novel tu, tawau punya tawau puluh-puluh kali dekat bahagian novel-novel tu, tapi takdek juga novel "Curi-Curi Cinta author by Siti Rosmizah" and novel "Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia author by Zura Asyfar". Ha tulah, beli lah sekali hari tu dengan novel yang lain, tak nak.. letak balik plak, ha kan dah terkilan gila. **marah diri sendiri arr! yang ralat sangat tak dapat beli novel "sebenarnya saya isteri dia" tu huh nak yang tuuuu..

Huh bukan taknak ambik sekali haritu, tapi tapiii macam vanyakkk sangat plak dah capai novel takut Madam Ani marah gitu hikhik tulah letak balik, tu pun dah terlebih cukup capai 3 novel, cuba bayangkan dalam plastik bag tu ada 5buah novel lalu plak sebelah Madam Ani ni ha, nanti kena masuk kelas soal menyoal nanti hahaha. fikir-fikir cukuplah 3 novel tu dulu,yg lagi 2 tu beli kemudian, last-last ekeleyy gila punya orang, dah habis! novel tu habis! sold out! Best Seller betul :o ! haaa dengan semangat yg adezzzzz laju ar jalan pergi popular bookstore plak! huh cantik popular bookstore dah bertukar wajah gitu hahaha eh takde masa nak tengok keindahan semua tu, kena cari novel lah tapi tapi tapi takde ok! tulah kalau nak beli novel Best Seller ha tanggung lah nasib yg sebegini rupa! bab ni tak boleh dah guna statement "kita buat dia, bukan dia buat kita" sebab ha macam ni lah dia kalau guna statement tu tuk beli novel cengini, terlambat kau jah! terlambat! its over! kau tunggu lah sampai dia keluarkan balik kot hado! 

lain kali masuk bookstore, cecepat tengok best seller list kat wall yang dekat dengan bahagian novel tu, then terus grab novel tu terus tawu!!! and hope mom aka Madam Ani akan perasan perut rak ni dah feeenuh hihik macam mana yeaa **terfikir ada lagi novel tertinggal kat rumah peydee kalau masuk sini macam tak muat dah :o
fenuh oledy!

There is only you / 0 comments (+)

Totally there are four chord to remember to make some sound or music
just a simple chord from Carly Rae Jepsen.
Simple and Short Note : 'There is only you that able to interpret or understand what sound or music that you hear around you . Well, there is only you."YOURSELF" '


Thank you for dropping by.Hello! I'm shahana. A folk Malay girl that still learning to be an excellent human sampai ke Tua kerepot. Likes blogging,bernyanyi sumbeng diam diam, berangan and errr facebooking?? very much.kita tak sign up facebook la hihi just here & twider saja. " There's Only One (SA) that I miss love & fight with "
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" The sound come from Inside " Guitar to Ukulele, ukulele was a given from my Mr. Pulse that had been with me for a several years that is about 4 to 5 years. This is one of my valuable gift that I love & I miss the bracelet more.
