Secret Inside Between Two Hearts

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see!baby know how to read :D

read the novel ,
but not only read,
but for us to evaluate some of the pros and cons in a life,
sometimes teach us how to be a brave in life,
indeed just a story, but behind the story,is our own to assess the pros and cons.
sometimes also teaches us how to control the unexpected things,
while sometimes to teach us the meaning of courage, loyalty,
not only a love story, but a life that traveled by all people ,
likely to teach us to be a brave, may also teaches us to be a "stoic" wife, 
and the honesty and loyalty that given to the husband,
sometimes teach us about the responsibilities that lead to happiness.
only our own conclusions assess what we get from what we read.-owner

dont look at me !baby ! i love u!:Dhaha

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Thank you for dropping by.Hello! I'm shahana. A folk Malay girl that still learning to be an excellent human sampai ke Tua kerepot. Likes blogging,bernyanyi sumbeng diam diam, berangan and errr facebooking?? very much.kita tak sign up facebook la hihi just here & twider saja. " There's Only One (SA) that I miss love & fight with "
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" The sound come from Inside " Guitar to Ukulele, ukulele was a given from my Mr. Pulse that had been with me for a several years that is about 4 to 5 years. This is one of my valuable gift that I love & I miss the bracelet more.
